Group Business Coaching


Power Tools for Your Mind

Why should YOU buy from us?

  • Participate from the Comfort and Convenience of your home/office
  • Affiliate commissions are up to 35%
  • 10% of proceeds go to your favorite Charity
  • Internationally proven
  • International contacts for your huge growth
  • Combination of “Eastern and Western” methodologies, for best results
  • 99.9% success rate
  • Heart centered Business Leadership 


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Ready for massive success in all areas of your life?

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What clients say...

Juan Rojas

Miami Real Estate Broker

With YHGTP I went from single to married to the love of my life, from 9-5 employee to successful business owner and from fat to Iron Man!

Marty Matika

Divorce Psycologist.

I owe my massive success to You Have Got The Power.

Julie Erickson

Executive Career Adviser.

You Have Got The Power coaches take excellent care of their clients. I couldn’t be as successful without their support!